Aproape 140.000 de americani au primit ordin de evacuare, iar 7 oameni și-au pierdut viața, după incendiile care au cuprins zone întinse ale metropolei americane Los Angeles. Cristian Tudor (39 de ani), care trăiește de 12 ani în SUA și locuiește la Hollywood, a fugit „cu mașina și cu două genți și un rucsac”, dar […]
The main concept is Cristi Tudor's harrowing experience escaping a wildfire in Los Angeles.
The text snippet indicates that he narrowly avoided being caught in the flames, which were dangerously close (150 meters) to him. His words, "Am fost mai tupeist m" suggest a sense of reckless courage in facing the imminent threat.
The main concept is Cristi Tudor's harrowing experience escaping a wildfire in Los Angeles. The text snippet indicates that he narrowly avoided being caught in the flames, which were dangerously close (150 meters) to him. His words, "Am fost mai tupeist m" suggest a sense of reckless courage in facing the imminent threat.